Pet Transportation

What the law requires and how our furry friends like to travel are two different things. Robin likes to sit on a passenger\’s lap and watch them through the window. But the law doesn\’t allow it, and most importantly, it\’s not safe for either the dog or the passenger.

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The transportation of animals is described in Title II, Section 5, Duties of the driver, of Law No. 361/2000 Coll.

The driver has the following duties.

(i) ensure the safety of the person or animal being transported and the safe transport of the cargo


(ii) ensure the safety of the driver and the driver\’s crew;

(iii) ensure the safety of the driver\’s crew;

(iv) ensure the safety of the driver\’s crew.

(j) secure the animal being transported in such a manner that it does not endanger the driver or the person being transported

; and

Of course, all of this is in accordance with Law No. 246/1992 Coll. of the Czech National Council for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which states.

Dogs are not allowed to run around freely in the car, get under the driver\’s legs or on his lap. This is logical for us humans, but for Robin and other dogs, this is the most fun they can have.

In practice, the following methods of security have worked well:


Special back seat cover (or blanket) + sheer + belt, fastened like a chain to the sheer and as a classic belt on the other side.

In the other car, the cage is placed in the trunk. The bed of the cage is just the right size and does not shift from side to side while driving. The dog lays down and I don\’t know him for the entire trip.

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Carry in trunk

If you have a small or medium-sized dog, it is recommended that you get a cage or crate. It can be used for other purposes and is the best transportation option for you. Both in terms of the cleanliness of the vehicle and the comfort of the dog. The crates are sold in plastic and cloth. The cage and cloth crate fold up easily, but the cloth option is not suitable for all dogs; some dogs destroy it within five minutes; the plastic crate is not suitable for all dogs; and the cloth crate is not suitable for all dogs.

If you do not want to purchase such a thing, if your car is small, or if you have a large dog, it is recommended that you provide a barrier to be placed between the back seat and the trunk to allow the dog freedom in the trunk of the car. Metal bars are available for sale at pet supply and car accessory stores, with prices starting at 700 pounds. Alternatively, you can opt for a net, which is a less expensive option. However, if you have a smart, strong dog that wants to play in the car, the net may not last long.

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