Apartment or single-family home?

I want to clarify something first. We are all different, some like this, some like that. But let\’s discuss the pros and cons.
For young people these days, apartment complexes are the first choice. Both for work and for activities in the city. Renting, especially buying, can be quite expensive in large cities. Let\’s take Prague as an example. Depending on location and size, landlords may ask for more than $50,000 for a security deposit. In other words, the average young person is hitting their pockets. Add to this the rent plus water, electricity, and heating bills, and it\’s another five-figure sum. Anyway, in other cities the prices are a bit more equitable. While you can\’t get below $10,000 for rent downtown, it\’s certainly more affordable.
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An advantage would be the lower cost of maintenance afterwards. Painting, buying furniture and furnishings will cost more in the beginning, but then you are assured of peace of mind for several years. On the other hand, when you buy a house, you may need to repair the roof, windows, facade, etc. The cost is already in the millions of kronor (several hundred million yen).
Apartments usually have heaters that switch on automatically, or you just flip a switch and the heat comes on. It\’s cool and you don\’t have to worry about anything. Except the bills. For a house, it is more complicated: you can install heating with gas or electricity, but if you buy an older building, there may be no connections, and you will have to use a solid fuel boiler. Therefore, it is a good idea to stock up on coal or firewood before winter. Let\’s say, for example, that it costs more than $15,000. And that is not a future solution. We will have to pile up firewood and coal indoors. Who would want to do that when we are older?
The big advantage of having our own land is privacy and a yard. No one will scold us if we play music a little too loudly at midnight. Or you won\’t be woken up by a neighbor who decides to dig shelves in the early morning. If you live in the suburbs, it\’s totally peaceful and quiet. Of course, having a garden comes with the responsibility of taking care of it. If you want it to look like one. It takes time to maintain, so ownership may not be for someone who is pressed for time, such as someone who is at work from morning to night.
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If you plan to have a family in the future, an apartment may not be for you. Children like to play outside in the yard, and you should have your own room. These two things can probably only be achieved in a house. I myself grew up in an apartment on the edge of town and was never thrilled twice. Some might cite the commute to school as a negative. However, I think that is no longer the case these days. There are bus and trolley stops everywhere now, and you can throw that option away.
Both options have their pros and cons. Both have pros and cons. I think we\’ve covered the most important points, and I hope this helps you in your decision.

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