What pets to get a child

[6 It\’s great if a child has a direct idea, because you can stab something, whether it\’s true or not. If he does not think and just wants to take care of some animals, you need to connect the heads together and choose the winner of the animal. Psychologists advise the child to take a pet pet. And this is due to the active development of the child. It is important to know where you live and whether the animal is suitable for you. If your child is begging Doberman and you live in a 3-room apartment on the apartment block, tell him that the dog will suffer here, remember that responsibility for the animal will always be taken by parents, no matter how old the child is. And the animal will not spoil the family budget.
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The acquisition of animals can start from 10 crowns for mice, guinea pigs and fish, but from several thousand crowns for bred dogs, cats and parrots. Do not forget that for this you need not only to buy various cages, baby circles, beds and toys, but also regularly buy feed.
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It does not infect children from animals

Every time a child\’s pet licks, many moms threaten themselves. It has also been proven that if a child grows up with an animal from an early age, he is less likely to develop allergies. But do not forget about the usual hygiene habits that teach the child from the first moment of getting a pet, and do not forget about regular veterinary examinations.

What is the ideal age to get a pet

In the first year of the baby, you can definitely keep a pet in the house, but it is important to be careful and not leave the baby alone. At the age of 4-6 years, the child has basic needs such as that the animal does not wake up from sleep, that the food bowl is really an animal, and that the animal should not be tormented.The child can already take care of the animal independently from the age of 6, and can also play independently.

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