Internet video calling takes a rather absurd form

. A young inventor working for Sony took advantage of this. His invention involves talking to a person (let\’s say your agent) wearing a special helmet with a visor attached.
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But instead of seeing his face, you have a thin display, a microphone, and a small speaker. After all, this surrogate of yours appears to be moving among people who only see his body, but instead of his face, your face is being captured by a remote webcam. When your voice is added to it, it becomes quite believable. Your agent can do whatever you and he agree upon, and it is done as if you are actually in his position.
But this is not a theoretical theory; Mr. Rekimoto put it into practice. He sent his own representative somewhere in his office to handle certain negotiations. The employees in the office were understandably embarrassed, as they had not expected such a thing to be done, but when they heard the man\’s voice coming from the microphone and saw him on the monitor, they finally agreed and did what was necessary.
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Experiments with official figures in Japan had worked, but what about here?

The question is, how will Czech officials respond to this crazy invention? Imagine the situation if such a person went to the public sector instead of you. While settling the charges and paying the bill at the post office is no problem, the situation gets worse when you receive registered mail that requires an ID card. Would it be enough for the teller to just look at the camera image? What about signatures? An interesting situation would arise, for example, at Hello Work, where customers must appear in person for an interview. Even there, there would probably be no problem, since they would present their ID and sign their name, but the interview itself would probably confuse the recruitment agent. More such instances of people having access to cameras instead of faces in government workplaces will no doubt be reflected in overlapping themes in the House of Representatives and in subsequent legislation.