Are we phone addicts?

Can you imagine being without one for a day, two days, even a week? Probably few of us could stand it. We are always in touch with our family and friends, and most of all with our children. Is there any possibility that we can? We can do anything if we want. We just have to be strong willed and prepare those around us for a few days of no communication. The best thing to do is to turn off the phone and put it away in a drawer. That way you can go to the country for the weekend and use your hands and head for other things. If the cottage has a garden and it\’s warm, you can give it your all. [You have to water the flowers and vegetables properly, of course, but you also have to remember to rest. A good way to get away from your cell phone is to not leave it on your desk at work unless you need it for work. Worst of all, keep it close at hand when you go to bed. Not only will it have a negative effect, but it will also disturb your sleep by ringing or setting off an alarm. It\’s best to keep it outside your bedroom or sleeping quarters. There are many signs of cell phone addiction.
Lack of reception
The most common symptom of being in an area with no cell phone reception is nervousness about not being able to read messages or check to see if someone has called.

Forgetting the charger
Do not forget the charger. Because without a charger, of course, the phone won\’t work and you might panic and want to go back for it.Žena telefonuje

Cell Phones in the Bathroom
When taking a bath, some people bring their cell phones into the bathroom and turn on their tunes, but they should still take a break and turn them off. However, many people also take it into the bathroom when playing games or surfing the Internet.
If you don\’t have your cell phone for a few days and can remain calm, especially when you don\’t have it, you can rejoice that you are not really addicted. In the past, people didn\’t send letters, and everyone was happy anyway.

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