Hackers and the Olympics

This is truly the perfect paradise for “pacifists” to roll around like pigs. Insecure computers? It\’s like finding a vein of gold. According to security experts, the number of attacks is increasing by a million a day.
The first attack was recorded in Pyeongchang during the opening ceremony. Many hackers started tinkering with everything related to it and tried to destroy all facilities. These were mostly so-called DDoS attacks. In the simplest explanation, this is based on the principle of congestion: a DDoS attack simply tries to connect hundreds of thousands of computers to a single server , which cannot keep up. It then crashes and quits because of this congestion. Those who want to watch are unavailable until the servers are fixed. This has been confirmed by representatives of the International Olympic Committee, who have also confirmed this failed attempt. After all, as Mohamad Amin Hasbini, security analyst at Kaspersky Lab,has reported, hackers have been and will continue to be attracted to such events.
olympijské hry
You too can be caught up in the complexities of an Internet attack without ever leaving the Republic or monitoring everything from home. You too could be infected with a virus and be in a place you don\’t want to be. Of course, you can reduce the risk to a minimum by following the security principles
I wrote about in the last issue
. Let me repeat some of the most important principles. Namely, among other things, never open emails or attachments from senders you do not know and do not expect anything from. Never use passwords to enter personal information or access unverified sites. And of course, check your computer for updates and antivirus software.
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And there are many small things you should do and protect. Hackers are becoming more experienced and better. The last four Olympics combined have seen more than a billion sneak attacks.