Even death is regulated by law

. When a loved one dies, we want to give them a dignified goodbye, and we want it to be as they would have wanted it. Funeral arrangements are not pleasant, and while funeral homes certainly accommodate, it is primarily an emotional burden, and those who have lost a loved one go through a painful emotional ordeal.
If you are not sure where to turn to, the website of the Funeral Directors Association can certainly help you choose a funeral home. If the death occurred at home, it depends on your wishes or the wishes of the deceased. If the death occurred in a hospital, the time limit for arranging a funeral is 96 hours.
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All procedures regarding the final journey are regulated by Law 193/2017, the Law on Funerals (replacing Law 256/2001, which was previously in force). This law regulates everything related to death, from the coffin, to the placement of the body, to embalming, to the cemetery itself. The main reason for this regulation was to bring funeral law in line with civil law.
The most radical changes are the amendments concerning the operation of funerals, crematoriums, and preservation itself. For all these operations, a permit must be issued. As for embalming, the person performing it need not have graduated from a medical school. However, in order to perform embalming, one must take a special course.
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After the new law takes effect, operators must submit their operating rules and regulations to the health department of the relevant establishment for approval. This represents an additional administrative burden for funeral home operators. In addition to the aforementioned health authorities, trade and local authorities will also oversee compliance with all regulations.