Living with Dogs – Helpers for Coexistence

For Canine Health
Canine coats suffer several times a year from major changes in temperature and humidity. Not only do we, the owners, who lose a lot of hair, but also the pet\’s skin itself suffers. During this time of year, the “radia” dries out and forms human-like dandruff, which in many cases the dog crushes and turns into blood, a truly unpleasant health problem. Therefore, just as with humans, preventive care of pets\’ skin and coats should be taken all year round. A proven product for this problem is evening primrose oil. This oil is available from many brands, but it is recommended that you choose one for your animal. As a preventative measure,regularly,a few drops daily mixed with the diet will help the 2-year-old evening primrose take care of everything else. Evening primrose softens the skin so it does not dry out and develop scaly patches. Thanks to this herb, your 2-year-old dog will have a soft, puppy-like coat again. Both you and your dog are guaranteed to be satisfied.
žluté primule
Cold and Clean
Winter is gone, the earth is warming up, and the beautiful frosty walks in the snow, the icy forest trails and field paths are becoming a labyrinth of puddles and mud that your dog will love. If you keep your dog mostly indoors or need a more thorough place to clean up after a walk, we recommend the following products. The Magic Mat, originally called the Clean Step Mat, is a really great helper to this problem. It is
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made specifically for the purpose of absorbing mud and water andOnce you step out, the unwanted dirt will quickly absorb itself and your pet\’s next step will no longer be soiled. It can also be used as a regular replacement for doormats. You will especially appreciate this if you have young children who have trouble cleaning their shoes in muddy weather. It saves mopping and allows you to go home without leaving a trace.